Let’s Wrap This Up!

Sooooooo I actually woke up before my little house guests this morning – sort of.  Capri woke up once during the night and Cayden talks in his sleep so I checked on him once to make sure he wasn’t calling his parents to come get him at 3:00AM but all in all, the night went really well.  They slept until about 8:30 which was great.  We took our time getting going.  I fixed smoothies for breakfast and once we were dressed and fed, we went outside to play.

At lunch time we went to Sely’s and got tacos all around.  They were great in the restaurant.  Capri is all about having Papa carry her everywhere and she looks really cute on his hip.  Cayden ate all of his taco and the last third of his sisters’.  His mom says it’s usually the other way around.  They were well behaved and hungry – it was great!  We came home and played some more.  Capri took a nap and I packed all their stuff for the trip home.

We had an early family dinner scheduled and H manned the grill brilliantly as he cooked hamburgers.  Mine with cheese, please.  Maxx had some fun with cousins for sure.  I loved hearing Maxx and Cayden giggle when they were playing.  I pray every day that they will be good friends forever.  Maxx was trying to tell Courtney something that Capri said and his imitation of her was hysterical!  Hollis’s mom came too and brought her much loved chocolate chip cookies.  Courtney cannot be trusted around those cookies.  Just ask her – she will tell you!  I got some sweet baby cuddles with Calla.  She smiles and coos and she’s learning all the faces in the family.  It was a really good dinner!

Tomorrow I will probably go back to my grateful list.  Soon however, there will be a diatribe about hot flashes.  But not tonight.  It’s been too great a weekend!


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